College has been established under the rules of Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune. College has regularly implemented various schemes through it.  Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil – Earn and Learn Scheme, Disaster Management Scheme and Nirbhay Kanya Workshop etc. 

In Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil – Earn and Learn Scheme, those students whose annual income is less than six lakh of rupees can participate in the scheme and get hourly based remuneration during the college hour. 

In Disaster Management Workshop students get practical knowledge to help people during the time of natural calamity. 

In Nirbhay Kanya Workshop which is organized only for the girl students.  The main objective of this workshop is to develop the overall personality of the girl student. 

The Board of Students’ Development(BSD) looks after the safeguard of rights and supervises the Development activities of the students. BSD promotes and co-ordinates the different students’ activities for better community life. BSD tries to nurture students’ mental, physical, cultural growth with various activities to improve their overall personality development and to make them civilized Indian citizens to compete in the globalized world.




The major purpose of the scheme is to expand a student as a comprehensive character with academic fineness and a commitment to an democratic society. India lives in the rural areas and to bridge the gap between rural India and urban India.  This scheme is basically undertaken for the advantage of students coming from the rural areas, which are economically backward, bright and praiseworthy but cannot have enough money for higher education, needy and financially hard pressed. It inculcates in the student the thought that no work is big or small and develops a work culture with the right ability. 


 The students enrolled under the scheme are given the following types of work namely-That increase their skills in areas of their study, office work, technical work and field work. However when the distribution of work is given it is seen that all students get equal opportunity to get all different kinds of work. Office work includes working at the Library or any other office of the institute. Knowledge of computers, office machines such as photocopying etc. or even working at a telephone booth, while field work includes working in the garden, looking after newly planted trees, play grounds, cleanliness of the campus etc. Each student is expected to work for three hours (3) daily. Students working under this scheme are paid an honorarium of Rs.45 per hour as per the revised rates given by SPPU. 


Student Welfare Officer

Dr. Shilpa Sudhakar Gangurde